St. Peter's

A Brief History of Christening
Christening is a very special service which welcomes someone into the Christian family. A Christening service contains a number of things, including the moment of Baptism. t is the way in which the Church admits new members and is very significant to Christians.
The word ‘Baptism’ means ‘to dip’ and refers to the person being dipped into water. Baptism draws on the Jewish roots of Christianity because Jesus was a Jew. Traditionally Jews were circumcised as part of their faith which involves a two way promise with God. The promise is this: God will bless His people if they do not forget Him.
Christians use Baptism in the same way, to acknowledge their relationship with God. In the New Testament, John the Baptist called the people to Baptism where they would be ritually washed and cleansed of their old (bad) ways.
In the early Church St Paul taught it is how we live, and not how we say we live, that really counts. The early Church decided Baptism was the one and only requirement for membership. As the early Church grew, Baptism of babies was introduced because so many died at a very young age. Today some practicing Christians prefer to let their children reach an age when they can make the promises of Baptism for themselves.
Baptism should never, ever be about whether a ‘Christening Gown’ fits. It should never be entered into lightly, and should always come with a two-way promise between God and the participants.
Baptism calls on the Baptised (and all who make promises both for themselves and on behalf the Baptised) to accept both the gift of God’s blessing and to commit themselves not to forget God, either in private prayer or public worship.
What happens before Baptism ?
At St Peter’s we will ask you to make a commitment to a number of things as part of Christian Baptism.
We will ask parents and children to attend Church both before and after the Baptism.
We will arrange a home visit.
If you are a newcomer to regular attendance at Church, we will ask you to bring your child to a short Service of Thanksgiving on a Sunday morning.
We will ask parents and any local godparents to come to the church for a short practice
What happens at Baptism?
Christians believe Baptism gives us a fresh start and that we become part of the family of God.
Baptism contains twelve questions and three symbols. The symbols are:
1. The signing of the Cross – reminds us of the Christian belief that Jesus died in our place
2. The dipping into Water – is a symbol of a new beginning, of sharing in Jesus’ death on the Cross, of rising to new life with him, and of the cleansing power of forgiveness.
3. The giving of a Lighted Candle – a reminder of the ‘darkness’ all around us in the form of wrong doing or ‘sin’ – but also a reminder that Jesus came to be the ‘Light of the World’
Parents and godparents will be asked twelve questions and asked to answer both on behalf of a child and for themselves.
What happens after Baptism?
We would like to encourage you and your family to continue attending Church and to become part of our church community. This way we can support and help you in keeping the promises you have made.